

Below are links to more information about Trinity Church Golden Grove. You’re also welcome to contact us if you have any questions.


You’ve never met anyone quite like Jesus: who hates religion, but loves God; who lowers himself to turn this world upside down; who doesn’t care about looking or sounding good, but cares about what truly is good; who fought against self-righteousness and oppression, but never threw a punch; who loves both justice and mercy; who always speaks the truth, but never without…


Our church meets on Sundays at 10am. We’re located in the Pedare College Chapel (Tenison Place, Golden Grove). You can enter the car park from Tenison Place and follow our signs to the Chapel. What To Expect We’re a church that aims to make it easy for anyone to explore the Christian faith, reconnect with God, or keep on living as a follower of Jesus. Whether you’re…


What we believe Our beliefs are revealed in the Bible. They are summarised in the 39 Articles of Religion, and worked out in the principles and theology of the Book of Common Prayer. We are evangelical, which means we are Christian and give ultimate authority to the Bible as God’s Word, desiring to maintain a Reformed and Protestant character in the expression of our…


Leadership Team If you imagine our church as a rescue ship, it’s the role of the Leadership Team to make sure it is licensed, safe, and has fuel in the tank and with the Senior Pastor help steer the ship in the right direction. Each AGM we elect one new congregation member to the team for 2 years, and one person stands down. Dameon Roy (Pastor Appointed)Lyn Davis &…


Trinity Church Golden Grove has a concern to partner with and support like-minded gospel organisations locally, nationally and globally. We are pleased to support the following ministry partners: Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students Universities in Australia are full of students who are poised to make life-changing decisions about what they believe and where they…


Trinity Church Golden Grove is committed to the ministry of the gospel in our neighbourhood and beyond. Our ministry is supported almost entirely by our members. If you are giving generously or are planning to do so, we are thankful for your support. Note: church donations are not tax-deductible in Australia. How can I give? OPTION 1: INTERNET BANKING TRANSFER Account…

Trinity Network

Loving God. Loving People. Making Disciples In Adelaide’s North. Jesus is at the centre of everything we do and we love talking about him. That’s why we are excited to be part of (and the fruit of!) a church planting network that seeks to make disciples of Jesus all over Adelaide. Where we came from In 2010, Trinity Church Modbury was a new church planted by Trinity…

Church Policies

Safe Ministry The Trinity Network of Churches is committed to the physical, emotional and spiritual welfare and safety of all people, particularly within its own community. Our aim is that everyone within our church will be able to safely participate and contribute in appropriate ministry programs, have every opportunity to grow and flourish, and that they will be able to…