Comfort In Suffering

Comfort In Suffering

In 2 Corinthians 1:4-5 Paul writes that our God “Comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.” I hope the following 12 thoughts are a comfort to you in sorrow and grief and can be used to help walk and weep with others though it too.

1. Pray for wisdom

Ask God for his help, wisdom, compassion, strength and the right words at the right time. Pray that those who are suffering would look to God as their help, hope, joy, healing and strength.

2. Feel and express empathy with those hurt, weeping with those who weep

3. Feel and express compassion under the heavy load and know it’s okay to weep

Jesus cried for his friend who he loved dearly:

4. Hold out the promise that God will sustain and help those who cast themselves on him for mercy and trust in his grace.

He will strengthen you for the impossible days ahead in spite of all the darkness and is walking beside you in the dark valley of death and sadness.

5. Grieve and be sad, but do so with hope that the best is yet to come

Christians don’t avoid or downplay the terrible aspect of grief and death. Because of our faith, we can truly call it abhorrent, and evil, especially when life is cut short from full years. But, it will never have the last word, even though it is a loud word.

6. God’s love is available and present even in such distress.

7. Lament in faith and lean towards your sovereign God who rules over and in all things.

8. Trust God to bring you though. He is the rock we can always stand on.

9. God is the one lasting treasure in life and death.

10. There are missional opportunities to see others know Jesus.

At the right time, God may allow gospel moments to speak of his tender love, compassion and conquering of death for all who trust in him.

11. Our bodily resurrection and life with Jesus in a new creation is what we look forward to and where we can find hope, joy and full healing.

12. One day Jesus will wipe away every tear from our eyes and he understands full well our present suffering, grief and pain