Lawn Bowls
  • 50-97 Jack High Lane, Ridgehaven, SA, 5097

  • Modbury Bowling Club

Lawn Bowls

Bring a friend and join your church family as we spend a night lawn bowling!

Each of us have a sphere of influence amongst our friends and family. God, in his sovereignty, has put these people in our life, to love, care and proclaim the beauty and grace of Jesus. As a church, we really value your friendships and time you put into them, and want to encourage you to be missional as best you can. As a church, we also have a sphere of influence too. When we gather as believers, we are able to influence and point people to Jesus in a different way than you can as an individual.

That’s why we’re playing lawn bowls. We hope it will be a great opportunity to mix with Christians and non-Christains over something that we all have in common and to make new friendships (Even just meeting someone you haven’t met from church!). There’s no gospel message, just God’s people.

And if you’ve never bowled – all good! Come along and learn. Did you know there’s a skipper, a jack and a live ball?

Cost: $10 Per Person – Pay on the night.

Time: 6pm for a meal or 7pm for bowling.

Location: Modbury Bowling Club, Friday, November 3.

Meals: All meals cost $15 and must be pre-ordered at this link. They don’t take orders on the night.
